What is D-Star?

D-STAR stands for Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio. D-STAR is an open standard developed as the result research funded by the Japanese government and administered by the JARL to investigate digital technologies for amateur radio.

D-Star Seminar

SCDUG will be holding a Basic and Advanced DSTAR Seminar at the Tampa Bay Hamfest Dec 1 and 2, 2007. Guest Speakers will include ARRL Southeastern Division Director-elect Greg Sarratt, W4OZK. If you are new to D-STAR, or just want to dig a little deeper, this seminar is for you.

FDAWS is an informal, West Central Florida based, group of Amateur Radio operators that share common interest in promoting D-STAR technology through technical investigations and on-the-air operating activities.

To further technical advancements of the D-STAR mode through sharing of information and to enhance emergency communication capability by establishing a network of linked digital voice and data stations.

Weekly Net

SCDUG sponsors a weekley net Wednesday evenings at 9:00pm EST on 145.6700 Mhz and 441.975 Mhz. All stations with D-STAR capability are invited to join us.