W2NDP became a SK on 18 Aug 2006.
He will be missed by all Amateurs and
non-Amateurs who he met during his life.
Used with permisson of Bernie at the Daily DX
======================== *** The Daily DX (c) ***
Volume 10 Number 153
August 18, 2006
Editor/Publisher Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Silent Key
W2NDP (ex WA2NDP), Daniel Manfre, became a Silent Key just after 8PM last
night (0000Z today).
Dan was a serious DXer for many years with 314 countries confirmed mixed
mode and was chasing
DX on CW, SSB and RTTY.
He was a founding member and President of the Mid-Florida DX Association
Dan was a DX Elmer to many in the Tampa, FL area. He gave of his time in
other ways being a
DXCC Card checker and ARRL Volunteer Examiner. Dan was a member of STARC
(W4HSO) in
Hillsborough County, LIDXA, South Florida DX Association, QCWA and FISTS.
DXers around the world
will no doubt be missing their friend Dan! Dan is survived by his XYL Ellen
and children.
On a personal note I am going to be one who will miss him.
Dan was a long time supporter of The Daily DX and would call the office
often. Sometimes asking DX
questions or passing on DX news. We never had the opportunity to meet in
person; however we always
had good ragchews on the phone about DXing, Radio and family. Dan reminded
me of the "QRPer" in
the stories told by the late WA6AUD, DX Professor Hugh Cassidy. Dan was
constantly asking questions
about DX and I think that was what I liked most about him. He wanted to know
everything about DX and
DXing and always stood proud when those QSL cards came in. I'm going to miss
those fun phone calls and
great questions Dan.
RIP W2NDP! ... _._
Dear Tony and members.
Kisrti and me are saddened to hear of the passing of Dan, W2NDP.
As you
say and old timer with many interests and we are both members of the LIDXA.
He was one of those radio amateurs who was prepared to give to the hobby in
so many ways.
Our condolences to his family and his fellow club members.
Jim and Kirsti,
Norfolk Island